a) The mixture is dark brown and smells sweet,
b) The straw becomes soft and bendable, and the blocks come apart easily
c) The raw material can retain water,
d) The moisture content of the compost should be between 68 and 74%.
The first stage of composting is completed when the described humidity, temperature, color, and odor are achieved.
Stage 2: Complete composting (carried out under controlled conditions) After 15-20 days of composting, the stage 2 process begins by first pasteurizing, killing bacteria and weed seeds, and removing ammonia. The compost is sent to a special chamber for an 8-hour pasteurization period at 56±60 ° C and continues for a conditioning period of up to 7 days at 45 ° C until volatile NH3 is removed from the process air. Pasteurization is a controlled, temperature-dependent process that lasts about a week.
After Il phase, the substrate is ready for the growth of mushroom mycelium.