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Fruit fertilization problems and countermeasures

 Fertilizer needs of a variety of fruit trees with irrational elements, the most important of NPK . Apples , pears, three elements NPK ratio is 1:0.5:1 , peach 10:3 ~ 4:13 ~ 16. Many farmers only pay attention to the production of nitrogen, phosphorus , potassium and trace elements ignored , causing difficulties to improve fruit quality , size was serious.
Improved methods : On the basis of a sufficient amount of organic fertilizer applied on a pro rata reasonable scientific facilities into three elements . There deficiency symptoms , be sure to add trace elements with organic fertilizer or root outside spraying. Conditions can be Fertilization .

Many growers fertilize period not less scientific attention autumn Base , is also very great importance installments fertilization, directly affects the fruit quality and yield.
Improved methods : Advantages autumn Fertilizers : First peak of root growth of fruit trees can absorb reserves fertilizer was applied in the fall . Second, autumn Fertilizers , broken root injury may heal in time , less impact on tree vigor . Spring Fertilizers on the contrary, was not applied into fertilizer absorption and utilization , and the impact of more vigor when to quit , and even affect fruit and flower buds. Fertilization is also very important significance installments , disposable fertilization, will inevitably result in a waste of fertilizer , manure and even cause damage phenomenon . Generally speaking, the time to focus on autumn fertilizer Fertilizers , 60% -80 % of the phosphate to form in the basal was applied , with small amounts of nitrogen and potassium , 60% of the nitrogen fertilizer applied in spring , summer and flower bud differentiation of young fruit enlargement period topdressing the right amount of NPK , most of the potash should be in front of the young fruit enlargement and fruit coloring was applied 20 days .

Improper fertilizing and watering with a lot of farmers in the production of fertilizer more emphasis on work , but often overlooked watering work, although a lot of fertilizer , but soil drought and not to maximize fertilizer , thus causing great fruit yield and quality extent.
Improved approach: timely watering after fertilization , the performance of the drought phenomenon whenever the soil should be watered in time . Drylands can be Shupan straw mulch , can maintain soil moisture , but also increase soil organic matter.

The impact of poor quality fake fertilizer fertilizers are inferior fertilizers, composting of organic fertilizer not belong to the poor quality fertilizer. Discrepancies were significantly inferior fertilizer shortage , or containing substances and labeling , solubility and poor , fertilized often show weak grower , would not achieve the desired effect fertilization . After the decomposition of organic fertilizer not , dig fertilization site, found burns roots phenomenon .
Improved ways : purchase of fertilizer to the formal sector, to ascertain whether the three certificates complete fertilizer , whether the content of a single laboratory above the provincial level , and remember to ask for a formal invoice . Organic fertilizers must be applied before maturity .