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Corn fertilization effects and errors

Intercropping maize seed and fertilizer plots basal application more difficult and can take seed and fertilizer application solution to the problem of nutrient supply . A thin layer of manure ( maturity ) for the species as a kind of fertilizer or urea fertilizer, but it must be kind of fat isolation , to prevent injury seedlings. Urea per acre with 3 to 4 kg is appropriate. Period dressing dressing , the frequency and amount , according to the growth of corn , fertilizer requirement during the growth period and other factors considered. Phosphorus , potash fertilizer is longer, corn early demand for larger, as basal or Miaofei was applied to one , 25 to 35 kg per acre phosphate fertilizer , potash 10 to 15 kg . Nitrogen topdressing nitrogen fertilizer can be used to recover Miaofei light , heavy dressing fertilizer , dressing up three-step method to recover Postheading : 30% Miaofei total amount of fertilizer in Dingmiao to jointing stage , there are seedlings, promote seedling , strong stalk role ; 50% of the panicle of the total amount of fertilizer , maize large bell in the application , enable multiple ear large panicles ; 20% Postheading total amount of fertilizer in the heading to flowering administration to ensure corn late nutrient supply growth and prolong the function of green leaves .
Myth: basal fertilizer alternative insufficient quality agricultural fertilizer as base fertilizer can increase soil organic matter and soil aggregate structure, provide a variety of nutrients needed for the growth and development of corn . The fertilizer does not have this advantage . " Basal insufficient chase (chemical) fertilizers generation" , only to make the land more kind of thinner , more species of the more compaction.
Myth: There are fat on the chase , pouring water on seedling jointing before , if not in accordance with the degree of drought , moisture is good ring , seedling strength of the actual situation , such as fertilizer , watering, tend to make the leggy seedlings shoot roots deep underground is difficult to tie , so the seedlings lose the opportunity Dunmiao exercise, to later plant lodging lay hidden. In the filling stage dressing excess watering , both to increase investment , but also a waste of fertilizer, can also cause corn greedy green late , suffer adverse consequences frost .

Myth: Most fat and more water and more water to fight the big fat grain corn is certainly a prerequisite for high yields . However, improper use , it is only detrimental to . Spring corn from jointing stage , vegetative and reproductive growth go hand in hand , heading booting to reach the peak flowering to grain filling stage and turned to reproductive growth oriented. Booting to grain filling stage is most needed fertilizer period , to implement the "three dressing , three- watering, three cultivator " on cultivation. After the first hole jointing started dressing and timely cultivator . After booting start a second dressing and cultivators . Dressing a third hole during grouting , the total of these three top-dressing of not more than 30 kg is appropriate. After various times the amount of the principle of dressing can grasp former light heavy-light : the jointing stage was 30% of total fertilizer booting 60% of total fertilizer , fertilizer filling period was 10% of the total. Fertilizer urea is appropriate.
Myth: attention NPK fertilizer fertilizer contempt developmental effects on the growth of crops large , Take zinc fertilizer , the corn is very sensitive reaction to it . A trial showed : Corn applying zinc fertilizer , grain number can be increased from 50 to 80 , 15 to 30 grams of grain weight increase , reducing the rate of about 50% bald , per acre yield of 8% to 15 %.
Myth: After heading do not need fertilizer , cultivating corn after heading , there are many plots due to the lack of basal fertilizer or quality is not high , fertilizer effectiveness and depleted soil nutrients has failed to meet the growth needs of maize. This urgent need of some fast-acting nitrogen discretion applied fertilizer , to prevent premature aging, promote full grain filling and improve grain weight. The "attack seed fat" to be applied early , fertilizing , adequate facilities . To change that , " established the autumn hoe hanging hooks, etc. Diminshing blazing autumn harvest ," the old approach to light hoe , hoe the ground , keep the site alive.